California notice

California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA) / California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (CPRA)
Effective date: March 1, 2024

California residents have the following rights under the CCPA/CPRA:

Right to Know and Access. You have the right to confirm whether or not Tajara Group is processing your personal information and to know what personal information the business has collected about you. While our table in section 7.h. below describes the personal information we collect about you, you have the right to make a request to know and get access to information that is specific to you, should we have any.

Right to Delete. You have the right to request that Tajara Group delete personal information we have collected from you or obtained about you, subject to certain exceptions. For example, we will not delete any personal information required to provide our existing services to you or that we must maintain to comply with our legal/financial obligations.

Right to Correct. You may request that Tajara Group correct inaccurate information we maintain about you, subject to some exceptions and, if necessary, independent verification.

Right to Opt-Out of the Sale/Sharing If Tajara Group has sold or shared personal information about you, you have the right to opt out of the sale or sharing of that personal information.

Right to Non-Discrimination. You have the right not to be discriminated against if you exercise any of these rights. Please note that a legitimate denial of a request to know or access, delete, correct, or opt out is not discriminatory, nor is charging a fee for excessive or repetitive consumer requests as permitted by the CCPA/CPRA.

To exercise the rights applicable to you, see instructions below in section How to Exercise Your Privacy Rights.

Authorized Agent:
You may designate an authorized agent to exercise your rights under the CCPA/CPRA on your behalf. You must provide the authorized agent written permission to exercise your rights under the CCPA/CPRA on your behalf and Tajara Group may deny a request from an agent on your behalf if we cannot verify that they have been authorized by you to act on your behalf. Even if you use an authorized agent to exercise your rights under the CCPA/CPRA on your behalf, pursuant to the CCPA/CPRA, Tajara Group may still require that you verify your own identity directly to us. This provision does not apply if you have provided a power of attorney under the California Probate Code.

Opt-Out Signal:
An opt-out preference signal may be sent by certain platforms, technologies, or mechanisms on your behalf to communicate your choice to opt out of the sale/sharing of your personal information. Opt-out preference signals will opt you out of the selling/sharing of personal information at the browser level.


We do not knowingly share or sell the Personal Information of children under 16 years of age.

Notice of Financial Incentive:

We or our partners may provide price discounts, coupons, services, and other perks to our customers and for members of our loyalty programs. Through these offerings, you may provide us with Personal Information depending on how you choose to interact with us when and after you opt-in to our programs. There is no obligation to opt-in, and you may opt-out at any time. The details of the programs are contained in the program offerings. We offer these programs, among other things, to enhance our relationship with you so you can enjoy more of our products/services at a lower price. While we invest in our marketing and brands, consumer data is more valuable to our business when it is combined with a sufficient amount of other consumer data and after it is enhanced by our efforts described in this Privacy Notice. The value to our business of any individual consumer’s data is dependent on several factors, including, for example, whether and to what extent you take advantage or opt out of any offerings and whether we are able to enhance the data through our efforts described in this Privacy Notice. While we do not calculate the value of consumer data in our accounting statements, we provide this good faith summary for California residents. To the extent we create overall business value from our programs that could be directly or reasonably related to the value of consumer data, the method for calculating the value would include: a) costs related to maintaining the program including but not limited to IT infrastructure, delivery of offers, and marketing activities to enhance consumer data; b) whether the sales generated by the program exceeds the cost to us of offering the program including value of discounts to consumer; and c) value of the insights we are able to create based upon aggregate data.

Data Retention:

We retain all categories of your personal information for as long as is necessary, even if you are no longer an active customer, to provide the goods and services and to fulfill the transactions you have requested of us, and to support other necessary purposes such as:

providing related business processes (such as returns or exchanges),
resolving disputes and enforcing our agreements,
fulfilling our legitimate interests (such as improving our products and services),
responding to any questions, complaints or claims made by you or on your behalf,
preventing fraud, and
complying with our legal obligations.
In determining how long to retain information, we may consider various criteria such as the amount, nature and sensitivity of the information, and the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of the information.

The purposes and criteria for which we process the data may dictate different retention periods for the same types of information. For example, we retain your email address as an authentication credential (where applicable) as long as you have an account with us and an additional period of time after that for our legitimate interests and for our fraud and legal compliance purposes. We may also retain cached or archived copies of your information.

De-identified Data:

In instances where we de-identify your Personal Information to prevent it from being linked to you as an individual, we will maintain and use it in a de-identified format and will not attempt to re-identify the Personal Information.


We will not discriminate against you for exercising any of your CCPA/CPRA Rights and we will not deny you goods or services, charge you a different price, or provide you with a lesser quality of goods or services if you exercise any of your CCPA/CPRA Rights.

As an additional resource, you may also contact us at for any additional questions related to the rights granted under the CCPA/CPRA.

If you are a data controller with a consumer rights request for us, please contact us at

Disclosures About Handling Categories of Personal Information For California residents, the following section describes:

Categories of Personal Information We Collect and Process
Examples of Specific Personal Information that may be Collected
Categories of Sources from which Personal Information is Collected
Purpose of Collecting/Processing the Personal Information
Categories of Other Parties to whom Personal Information may be Disclosed
Categories of Third Parties to whom Personal Information is Sold/Shared* and the Purpose of Sale/Sharing* *Share/Shared/Sharing as defined by California law.

While this information is provided throughout this Privacy Policy, we provide the supplemental information below pursuant to requirements under the law.

Not all categories or examples of specific Personal Information may be collected about you depending on how you interact with us.